Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Repost: The One-a-day promise

Hello, society of friends. Welcome! If you're not a Quaker, you're also welcome (only less so). Here is a repost from my Blog on Myspace... sadly, it gets a lot more traffic than Epistles. At any rate, voila le reposte:

Wow, that has a nice ring to it [The title was also "The one-a-day promise". This will be my last interjection]. I should write ad copy:

Let's face it: your anal cavity is like a painful boiling cauldron of lava. Under these conditions, even the toughest industrial grade analgesic suppositories disolve quickly and easily, and require two, three, even four applications in one day. But who has time for that? You're a busy person with a busy intestinal lining. Smingers' Analgesic Suppositories is guaranteed to be the only suppository on the market that lasts the whole day. Smingers' brand can take the heat... so you can get on with your life. Say goodbye once-- and for all-- to anal discomfort with Smingers': That's the one-a-day promise.

Sometimes I surprise myself.
Sadly, I have nothing so pleasant as pills that go in your butt. What have comes out of butts: more talking. As in talking out of my butt. Hm... probably should have worked on that one.
In any case, here's the real promise: I promise to post at least one blog post per day for the next month. Super duper pinky swear. That's not all: at least once, I'll post a piece of original artwork by me, and I'll try to include at least one complete work of fiction, one film review, one uncomfortably candid intimation of personal details, one news analysis (that one's easy), and one of something which I haven't decided on. Hopefully I'll have time to end with some fireworks.

Here's the catch: I won't be doing it here. I'll be doing it on my "legitimate" blog, Epistlesatdawn.com.
There are a lot of reason I want to do this, but I think if I get into them, I'll lose some of my steam. Steam is a precious resource, as is punk, which is why they're so kick-ass together. Hopefully I still have some of both. I suppose we'll see, won't we?


I hope you all... no, that ain't right... I hope both of you appreciate the wonderful layer-cake of metatext I baked up. Don't make me spell it out. I'm a shameless self-aggrandizer, don't test me.

If this isn't enough content for you , then consider the following image:

Maddening, wouldn't you say? No? Entertaining? Silly? Funny? Witty? Irreverent? Reverent? I'll take anything. I any case, I've noticed that blogs tend to get more traffic when the readers are more visually stimulated. In a calculated effort to express a fraction of my contempt for... well, everyone, I have chosen to keep this space at least 95% image-free. Now squint in pain at my woefully underworked layout and tiny Draconian fonts.