Sunday, June 22, 2008

George Carlin, RIP

Shit, George Carlin is dead. I'm pretty pissed, as I think being pissed is the only adequate tribute.

Fuck me, this is a blog, not an obituary section. As much as I respected Russert, George Carlin was more than a stand up comedian, he was an institution. The influence he had on the art of comedy cannot be expressed in a format so crude as this. I'd probably sound like more of cunt than I already do just trying.

The thing that really burns me, though, is all the little cocksuckers who want to get into comedy and don't even know who he is. In the end, though, the people who loved his comedy, not just because he was a funny motherfucker, but because they connected with it, they- we- are the ones who will keep his legacy alive. Tits.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Fookin aye... a devastating loss for those who not only celebrated his humor, but subscribed to his beliefs... A powerful voice was silenced

Anonymous said...

You cheated. (This is Kiersten.)

Anonymous said...

Not my fault... this suck ass site doesn't allow you to edit comments once they are posted... wtf