Tuesday, June 03, 2008

One act of kindness

My purpose is not to gripe, but for me to get to the point, I have do expound a little bit on a few topics that are going to sound like I'm griping (which I'm not). Please, read on.

For the second time in a month, my car broke down. First one, then yesterday its replacement. I subsequently have to ride the bus to work, which is itself no picnic. I don't think it would be professional of me to voice my opinions on that, so the less said the better. In any case, it's been a difficult day.

In any case, on the way home I have to take two buses, so I need a transfer from the first bus. I didn't have correct change, so I was unable to purchase the transfer. I called my girlfriend to ask her to pick me up from the second stop, but because of some crazy parking conditions near our place, she couldn't come. It sort of felt as though nothing would go right for me.

As I was getting off the bus, the driver beckoned to me. He slipped a transfer into my hand and said "it's good until 7:30." I gave the man my heartfelt thanks and smiled. That's when I realized that it was the first time I've smiled today.

I won't belabor the point any more, I just want to encourage anyone reading this to practice random acts of kindness. Yes, I know I sound like Oprah. Even so, the power of your own humanity is much greater than you may think. You probably already know all the BS people spout about this topic, saying it makes the place a better world and other nonsense. That's immaterial. The point is that it'll make you feel good, and it's the fucking right thing to do. We only get a limited number of opportunities in life to prove to ourselves that we are indeed human, not ants navigating around each other on our narrow little paths. Don't waste the opportunities, it could make a big difference to someone. You. Others. Does it matter to whom?


Anonymous said...

Hooray for a nice stranger. I recently had one such experience but not as dramatic as yours. It does feel good.

JDM said...

Indeed, more people should provide others with random acts of kindness. It's good for the soul, good for karma, and good for a sense of community to 'pay it forward'. See you on the bus...